Hiking The Pinnacles in Coromandel, New Zealand
April 24, 2021
Surely everyone loves the incredible feeling of accomplishment. There are countless of actions we undertake, that can make us feel like this. For some, it might be cooking a successful dish, getting married or finishing a university.
Climbing Mt Arayat, Philippines
July 3, 2020
When living in the Philippines, every day when we opened our front door, the first thing to catch our eye was a 1026 meter high basaltic volcano, named Mt Arayat. Being surrounded with flat land, it seemed so glorious and even a bit…
The country goes to a lockdown on the day Estralians holiday in Samoa began
December 22, 2019
Why did we choose to have our holiday in Samoa
Ever since moving to down under in 2011, we have tried to explore as many parts of Asia and Oceania as possible. Since then, we’ve lived and travelled in Australia, New Zealand…
The Easter Monday Earthquake in The Philippines
August 30, 2019
Living in-between two volcanoes – Earthquake in Philippines
Back in 2018, when we were thinking about moving to Philippines, we were well aware that it is quite a dangerous place to live in. Not because of crime or terrorism…